Posted in Germany, in Deutsch, in English at 23:22 by foppel
Hi Folks, readers and all the others who are still interested
I know, I didn’t write anything for a long time, but be honest, who wants to read about somebody fighting with german bureaucracy? Because anything else didn’t happen here the last few months..
But what is the status? here are a few facts:
- I will arrive in Germany on 10.10.
- I don’t know yet if I will arrive with my family
- because the visa is not granted yet
- but I have to leave because my visa expires
- the dog will stay here because the EU has a list of countries which are trusted from where animals can be imported, and the Philippines - of course - are not on there. That means that the blood of the dog has to be sent to a laboratory in either Japan, Australia or Korea.. go figure
- I will have my B-Day party in Germany, details follow
- I miss the Philippines already
- I miss my family and friends as well, no question
- I will visit people with no advance note
- If I didn’t visit you until October 17th, please msg me
Posted in Germany, in Deutsch, in English at 13:46 by foppel
A little question to those who know about importing a pet to Germany, our dog to be specific. Our Visa ist not here yet, but it might be here any day. Facts please, or directions where I can get facts 
Thanks in advance
Posted in Philippines, in Deutsch, in English at 15:32 by foppel
Today around 2:30 o’clock the power came back on. I’ve got to say, as a modern middle-european 8 days without power ist something strange… but as strange as to a modern Filipino I’ve been told. Power-outages are pretty normal here in the provinces (even in Manila) but as long as this one, that is still remarkable. Again a hint how strong the passing storm really was. Oh, and my generator will be fixed about this evening.. figures
Posted in Philippines, in Deutsch, in English at 14:18 by foppel
We are alright here, even though dazzled from the storm which had my name here in the philippines, thank you very much. We’re just without power for the last 5 days and the day before yesterday the generator’s power-coil broke because of running too much. I am in an Internetcafe right now to work what needs to be done. Hopefully my generator will be repaired later this evening.
Posted in Computer & IT, ach Uebrigens, in English at 0:00 by foppel
2 years… its been 2 years since I had my big departure… 2 years since I wished my family and friends farewell and made the big jump to south-east Asia
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Posted in Computer & IT, ach Uebrigens, in English at 2:52 by foppel
This speaks to me so much..
I am/was the beardy guy (emil), if you didn’t notice
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Posted in Philippines, ach Uebrigens, in Deutsch, in English at 22:14 by foppel
Hi Folks,
I know, I am pretty silent these days, because of that I will give a small report about what is keeping me busy this days, not that you get the idea that I am too well.
Keine Deutsche version? schau dir die links rechts oben an
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