Everything about me
So you want to know more about me? Well, lets see what might be appropriate questions to answer:
Whats your name?
Hi, my name is Frank, friends call me Franky or Foppel (my Internet nickname). My Full name is Frank Karl Berger if you really want to know.
Where are you from?
Southwest Germany, born and raised, where I spent time on the playgrounds most of my days ;). No seriously, I am from a City named Reutlingen [en] [de], a fact that makes me 100% Swabian [en] [de] in the first place, and German in the second place.
But you’re living in the Philippines now?
Yes, thats true, I am living in the Philippines now, currently in Makati City, which counts to the Manila Metropolitan Area. But that might change in the future… And it changed, since 2007 I am living in San Jose, Antique.
Why are you living there?
Because I found the love of my life here and married her on January 21st, 2008
What happened to your plans with Japan?
ahh, you must know about my secret affection with Japan… Well I still try to learn the language, and I for sure will have some vacations there to see more of that country.. But I fell not only in love with a beautiful Filipina, but as well with the country itself.
Isn’t it dangerous living there? I heard there are terrorists and earthquakes and volcanoes and typhoons and criminals and and and its a developing country…!!!!
Well, I’d say its not more dangerous than living anywhere else in the world. Terror is more likely to happen somewhere in the West, the problems with the weather are a matter of preparation and Criminals? I felt more threatened in New York, Boston, London or Frankfurt for all what that matters..
Don’t you miss your family and friends?
What human being would I be if I wouldn’t miss them? But first of all, my life and love is here now, and secondly - the Internet makes it possible for me to keep close contact to everyone.
Are you rich?
Can I be your friend?
Maybe depends if you are a good person
How old are you anyway?
I am 34 now. If you want to congratulate me, you have to do so on October, 13th.
What are your hobbies?
Traveling, Reading, having a good time.
Whats your poison?
Beer, hands down. Won’t say no to a Scotch either, if its a real Scotch, and good enough to enjoy straight.
Favourite Food?
can’t answer.. it would be easier to tell what I don’t like.
Will you marry me?
Unless you are the love of my life, no… and since January 21st 2008 it would be illegal in most countries, because I got married back then.
How to contact:
Yahoo: foppelfb
AIM: foppelph
Skype: foppelfb
And email of course
Can I ask more questions?
Sure, use the comment feature below
Jens said,
October 15, 2006 at 19:04
Frankfurt!? Pfff - take a look at MERCER’s “world-wide quality of living” survey.
foppel said,
October 15, 2006 at 19:11
That, my dear Friends, what Jens has been demonstrating, is another famous German habit: local patriotism
To be honest, I cited Frankfurt just to piss him off :p
Edgar Laudito said,
October 16, 2006 at 22:33
Gut dass du nicht ueber Italien gesprochen hast
Martina said,
October 17, 2006 at 15:25
Wann kommste uns denn mal wieder besuchen?
foppel said,
October 17, 2006 at 16:26
Das dauert noch
es haengt vor allem davon ab bis wann meine kleine ein Visum bekommt.
Squalus said,
February 4, 2007 at 23:47
Hey Frankie!
Wir habe ja seit deiner Abschiedfeier nichts mehr voneinander gehört oder gelesen. Ich war gestern beim Volg und der erwähnte mal so eben beiläufig, dass du ein Blog hast. Besser zu spät als gar nicht! Na, dann werde ich mich hier mal ab sofort regelmäßig über deine neuesten Abenteuer informieren.
Halt’ die Ohren steif! Schöne Grüße aus Kornweschdhoim
Oh Jay