
Calmness and Crazyness living close together here

Posted in Japan, in English at 22:00 by foppel

If you want to see crazy kids, millions of peoples, well hundreds at least, and calm and silent Gardens and Temples next to each other, then go to Harajuku on a Sunday afternoon…

You get all that together there. Cosplaying kids (playing favourite Manga or Anime Characters) and the last fashion-hit, Gothic Lolita, are swarming the Streets there. Well swarming might sound fast, but they can’t walk very fast with the 10cm plateau shoes…

This is actually the only place I visited twice from my last trip to Tokyo, but it is the best way to have a fun Sunday afternoon, if there is too much to see..

But near all that crazyness, there is the Meiji Shrine, which is actually in the middle of a big tree-park. And there is even a Japanese garden within the Park.

You can easily forget that you are in the middle of one of the 5 biggest metropoles in the wandering around in there.

Here I expirienced the first real rain during my Vacation, and even that was crazy, as bright Sunshine switched with World-ending rain-showers…

After that I went to Shibuya, to visit a famous statueof a dog, which was erected there in honor of a dog who waited in the early 20th century 11 years for its deceased Owner every evening at the Shibya Train Station. So much loyalty earns you a statue in Japan!

Next to the Statue is one of the most filmed and aired Street crossings of Tokyo. If you have seen Tokyo on TV, chances are high you saw that Crossing.

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