Posted in Philippines, in Deutsch at 11:53 by foppel
Diese Tage wurden die Deutschen Wochen auf den Philippinen ausgerufen. Das bedeutete vor allem das Deutsche Firmen, welche hier auf den Philippinen Niederlassungen haben Präsenz zeigten.
Dabei waren die Automobilbauer vorne mit dabei und haben ihre aktuellen Flaggschiffe über die letzten Wochen hinweg der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert.
Gestern nun präsentierten sich auch die ‘anderen’ Firmen und Organisationen in einer kleinen Messe in der lokalen Mall. Das haben wir uns natürlich nicht entgehen lassen, hofften wir doch Brezeln oder ähnliches abgreifen zu können.
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Posted in Philippines, in Deutsch at 20:31 by foppel
Braucht man ein Auto in Manila? Eigentlich nicht, Taxen sind (theoretisch) immer verfügbar, und auch sonnst gibt es genug Möglichkeiten (Jeepney, Busse) um herumzukommen..
Aber es kostet Zeit diese zu benutzen.. nicht immer findet man ein Taxi welches einen auch dort hinbringen will wo man so hinkommen möchte, oder für einen fairen Preis.
Auch kann es sein das man z.b. an Malls mehrere Stunden (Rekord sind 2 1/2 Stunden für mich) warten muss um ein Taxi zu bekommen.
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Posted in Philippines, in Deutsch at 14:31 by foppel
Hi Leute, ja ich hab es endlich geschafft einen Blog aufzusetzen.. Ich wollte eigentlich iWeb benutzen, weil es halt ein schönes blogging Interface hat, aber da hörte es leider auch schon auf mit dem Komfort.. leider. Sprich ich benutz jetzt halt wie jeder andere (dXXp) auch Wordpress, einfach aus Bequemlichkeit heraus.
Wie auch immer: ich bin wieder da, und werde erstmal auch hier bleiben, denn wie ihr dem Bild entnehmen könnt: ich hab hier alles was ich brauche
Ich werde versuchen auch vergangenes hier aufzuschreiben, was sich halt so in den letzten 4 Monaten so ereignet hat. Hab viel zu erzählen, weis aber gar nicht wo ich anfangen soll.
Also, bis bald auf diesem Kanal
Posted in Japan, in English at 15:38 by foppel
I am honestly shocked
Its already 3 months i am back from Japan… I have yet to sort out all my images, have to write thanks and hello’s to people back in Japan..
But what me shocked most is how much I was able to do in Japanese back then in Japan (writing, reading, talking japanese) and how less is left of it…
It just shows me more and more, that if i want to raise my language skill to another level I probably need to live there for a while…
Posted in Japan, in English at 22:00 by foppel
I am at Narita Airport back in Tokyo now, and my flight goes soon… the last impressions of Japan were fleeing landscapes through a Trainwindow..
So, check back for updates from Germany…
Posted in Japan, in English at 22:00 by foppel
Well.. it seems to be the time to pack again and to go back to Tokyo, to catch my flight home to Germany..
I will have a relaxing day today in Hiroshima.. buying some Omiyage (presents) to bring back, and to pack later my stuff and head to the night train I already booked 3 weeks ago.. That one will bring me back right to Tokyo during the night, and I will then board around 2pm Friday afternoon my flight back to London and from there to Stuttgart..
Was it a relaxing vacation..? well for me, yes it was. It might not be everybody’s cup of tea to run around in big cities for three weeks for a vacation, but I really love to go under in the Urban jungle.. On the other hand I had lots of time to hike and to see spots I wanted to see…
Sorry for the lack of pics here, I forgot my camera today at home and couldn’t transfer them to my website.. I will replace the maps on Saturday with the pics I decided to have here, so please check back then..
And shortly after, I hope to upload all of my pics to the website and to comment some of them..
You might ask how many pics i shot in Japan.. I counted them this morning, I shot 2200 pictures in the last three weeks.. So for those who get a life presentation, bring some time with you.. it will take a while.. *evil grin*
Posted in Japan, in English at 22:00 by foppel
to have something lighter than yesterday, I decided to pay a visit to Myajima, which is an island near Hiroshima… on this Island there is one of the three red gates standing in the sea, which are famous around the world, and count towards to the most-photographed items in whole Japan..
So I wnet there by train and ferry, and it was a really beautiful sight. The Gate is in front of a huge shrine, which in itself stands on the beach and therefor in the sea during high tide.
Then I decided to go up the islands’ mountain with a cablecar, and had a wonderfullt view there over the sea and the other islands. But to get on top of the mountain, I still had to go around 100 meters (~300 feet?) up.. too bad that the path first got down around 50 meters..
So after walking through a forrest for an hour i got up onto the mountain, where magically an inn with a coke-vending machine apeared..
now it has to be said that the path was really a path.. not a cemented pavement or something.. I still wonder how they fill up that vending machine..
Then I thought to give it all and hike around the mountain to get down on the other side back to the town.. well this hike took about 3 hours but it was really nice.. I just wonder how one would want to get up the stairs and paths to the mountain, I found it difficult to walk them down..
On my way I passed another shrine, an gate, which didn’t exist anymore, and a buddhist temple..
That was a really beuatiful view, because coming down the mountain it looked like hidden in the forrest, detached from the city, and really peacefull.. like if you find a small paradise in the middle of wilderness..
Coming back to town, I noted that it was now low tide, and I could have walked to the gate, but I neglected that in favour of getting my ferry, because otherwise i would have been late for dinner, and I promised to be back at 7 pm..
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