
feels like i’ve been here for ages..

Posted in Japan, in English at 22:00 by foppel

Well not in Osaka, where I am now, but in Japan in total… I wonder if it feels like two weeks or two months…

Well it is official, my Suitcase broke… I already bought a backack first day in Kyoto (and an umbrella, works like a charm, didn’t rain since the minute I bought it..) but this morning my Suitcase’s handle, the one to pull it, broke off…

Now I am trying to decide if I tag along with the broken one, or if I buy a new one… It is only in use for two more stations, Osaka to Hiroshima, and Hiroshima back home, but it is rather uncomfortable now.. On the other hand, how does one get rid of a roughly 80×60x50 cm big broken Suitcase in the middle of Japan (legaly)…?

Will have to think about it… meanwhile I enjoy the lively city of Osaka… which seems to be more lively than other cities..

I have to confess, the first day in a new city is always hard for me, as I feel uncomfortable unless I know my way around at least a bit… lucky me, I learn fast..

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